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Feb 12th, 11:10am-12:30pm

Inuit Throat Singing and Urban Cultural Reclamation

Abigail Carleton and Aneeka Anderson


Inuit throat singers and sisters Abigail Carleton and Aneeka Anderson will discuss their experiences growing up in a strong urban Inuit community in Ottawa, Ontario. They will share stories of open adoption, Inuit Headstart, and throat singing, which they will demonstrate and even teach those willing to give it a try!




Feb 12th, 11:10am-12:30pm

Métis Finger Weaving

Morgan Turcotte


Participants will first be given a presentation about the history of Metis finger weaving and the sash as a historical tool and as a contemporary symbol of Metis pride. The participants will then be walked through a demonstration of the basic finger weaving technique and will have the opportunity to learn how to create their own finger woven piece!


Items Needed

- 2 different colours of yarn (4 arms length pieces of each colour)

- A popsicle stick

- Duct Tape

- Scissors





Feb 12th, 1pm-2:30pm

One Woman’s Journey:

The Reclaiming of Self, Voice and Community

Cora McGuire-Cyrette


This workshop will speak to the Indigenous women’s movement, moving from the individual towards the collective movement and taking on leadership roles to support our grandchildren’s grandchildren. An interactive exercise will require paper and pen as we make commitments towards change.


Items Needed

- A piece of blank paper

- A pen or pencil





Feb 12th, 1pm-2:30pm

Dewegan Kinoomaagewin miiniwaa Nigamowinan

(Hand Drum Teachings and Songs)

Liz Osawamick


This presentation is about Hand Drum teachings and learning Anishinaabemowin through songs. Our sounds of Anishinaabemowin have a natural flow, which helps to create connections through singing.


    (Bring your drum or shaker to join in if you like)

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